Please Stop Saying Trump is Crazy
Saturday, October 19th, 2023 — The Dick Joke heard round the world — Trump discussed the size of Arnold Palmer’s penis.
Why? Why did he do that?
It’s not because he is crazy. It’s not because he is senile. It’s not because he is a pervert.
It’s because he wants to distract you from the tax cuts he gave his rich friends when he was president. When Trump gives a tax cut to his rich friends, we pay thrice:
Once because most of the cuts went to the top 5%.
Twice because the Government has less money to spend on education, infrastructure, and the environment.
Thrice because the National Debt was increased by 1.9 trillion dollars, which we will be paying, oh, for a long time, even after Trump is dead.
Trump says a lot of crazy things. He loves talking about Hannibal Lector — and Rolling Stone has compiled a timeline. Wonderful! How droll! Look at that crazy old man! Except he is not crazy. He is hateful, and he intends to round up everyone who can’t prove they are here legally, all 11 million people, and deport them. But no one is talking about that. Because how could anyone even do that? It’s just more crazy talk from the guy who thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real treat!
Well, “Trump is crazy” fella, tell me this — did you think, in 2016, that he would forcibly separate families and put them in cages at the border? That he would try to blackmail the President of Ukraine to dig up dirt on his opponent? That he would ask (and be denied, thankfully) the military to shoot peaceful protesters? That, if not for the unlikely courage of Mike “Lord of the Flies” Pence, he would have couped us on Jan 6th 2021? That’s not crazy. That is evil. Crazy would be if he paid the price. He paid nothing. He got away with it, and he got a nice fat tax cut in the process.
Why did Trump get away with it? Because enough Republicans like tax cuts for the rich, brutal immigration policies, vast executive power. Because people at the DOJ like Merrick Garland would rather play nice and avoid a scene than face the powerful. AND, because we are all thinking he is just a crazy, harmless clown.
So please, please stop saying Trump is crazy. Stop talking about the chaos. Every time he tries his “look over here” trick — acknowledge it, and say it’s a distraction from the 10% tariff he wants to put on all imports that will raise costs for all Americans. His presidency was terrible. His proposals are terrible. Don’t let him change the subject to Arnold Palmer’s junk!